TROY, MO 63379
PHONE: 636.462.5555
FAX: 636.528.2855
TROY, MO 63379
PHONE: 636.462.5555
FAX: 636.528.2855
Bret and his family have lived in Lincoln County since 1993. He has owned several successful businesses here including Bret Martin Contracting, LLC, a landscape contracting business, Oak Bluff Properties and Cedar Bluff Properties, both real estate development and investment companies. He also owns several farm properties in both Lincoln and Monroe counties. For over twenty years Bret has been privileged to partake in the rich historical and quality lifestyle our area offers. He is dedicated to using the background of his skills in sales, business, construction, farming and property development to meet the needs of his clients. Bret goes above and beyond for his clients and has a creative way of thinking which is key in being a successful real estate agent.
“I sincerely believe I can be of favorable assistance to the residents of Lincoln and surrounding counties, whether it is finding a new property, or procuring quality buyers for a farm, residence, building lot or recreational property,” states Martin, “I would genuinely appreciate your business and referrals and as always, look forward to serving you.”
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