TROY, MO 63379
PHONE: 636.462.5555
FAX: 636.528.2855
We know the neighborhoods, the schools, the farms and the businesses. This is where we live, where we shop and where our families are from. We don’t have a slogan; we have a work ethic. We will earn your business because we work hard. No gimmicks. No corporate office. We are a private, family oriented business and we are proud of that fact.
This website is created with you in mind to make your search simple. Of course, nothing replaces personal interaction. So please call on any of our sales agents, for the personal, professional, family service you expect from Meyer & Company Real Estate.
We take the time to get to know every property and client before engaging in any sale. We do market research, print advertising, advanced computer technology, international social media exposure, in-house meetings and frequent seminars to support our staff and ensure that our entire team is in top form.
Complete the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. We look forward to helping you find your next home!